What are the different kinds of eye protection glasses?

Eye protection glasses are forms of protective eyewear that usually enclose or protect the area surrounding the eye to prevent blue light rays from entering into the eyes. They are used in homes, schools, workplaces and outdoors. Eye protection glasses are the most effective protective equipment specially designed to safeguard the wearer’s eyes against various dangerous hazards. There are many types of blue light Eyeglasses available in the market. However, customers feel confused while selecting the most appropriate product for their usage. Therefore, we have compiled a list of different eye protection glasses to choose them according to their needs.

Types of Safety glasses

Clear lenses eye protection glasses

Clear lenses eye protection glasses

The clear lenses eyeglasses block a maximum of 40% of blue light. These kinds of eyeglasses work best to relieve digital eye strain and improve energy and focus during the day. The glasses made from clear lenses might also be helpful for people that want to see actual colours on screens.

Yellow lenses Eye protection glasses

Yellow lenses Eye protection glasses

The eye protection glasses made from yellow lenses block a maximum of 50 % of blue light. These lenses are incredibly effective in blocking almost two times as much junk light as clear lenses. It is interesting to note that yellow lenses don’t block 100% of blue light as it works on a principle that the body needs some blue light to remain alert and active.

Orange lenses Eye Protection Glasses

Orange lenses Eye Protection Glasses

The NASA scientists first used the orange lenses during their space campaigns. However, eye protection glasses made from orange lenses are not so effective as clear lenses glasses. It blocks too much blue light in the daytime. It blocks approximately 75 % blue light during the day which is not so preferable.

Red lenses Eye Protection Glasses

Red lenses EyeGlasses

Eye Protection Glasses made from red lenses can block up to 100% blue, green and violet light. Every day the sun moves down below the horizon every night, and the sky radiates warm colors till it’s dark. Red lenses Eye Protection Glasses can create a similar effect by dimming the lights, even if you still have them on in the hours till bedtime. However, it should be kept in mind that not all kinds of red lenses are the same. Therefore, it is the user’s responsibility to select the right red lenses eyeglasses according to his/her requirements. Preferably, the user wants to search for lenses that block as much blue, green, and violet light as possible. Users have to select the appropriate red lenses that don’t disrupt sleep.


Life is just incomplete without healthy eyes as human life is dependent on their smooth working. Therefore, humans should entirely focus most on the safety and security of their eyes. Here, eye protection glasses can play an essential role in our goal to protect the eyes. However, we have to be extremely careful while selecting an eye protection product company.

It is impossible to avoid digital screens in today’s digital times, which means more eyestrain, disrupted circadian rhythms, and retinal damage. Quality eye protection glasses minimize damage from blue light, providing multi-layer protection for your eyes. It is a known fact that to keep your biological rhythms allied with the natural rise and fall of the sun, you require varying amounts of blue light during the daytime and effectively no light at nighttime. The clear lenses eye protection glasses are the most effective safety glasses as they work best in the day and night in blocking the blue light according to the eye needs.